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To fix the UI you just need to set the parallax for the layer to (0, 0).

I loved the coin spin at the title screen and jumping puzzles were super fun and challenging. 

I thought the this game was interesting,  I LOVED the jump test with the blocks with spikes because i thought it was a fun challenge, I would adjust the hit box for the spikes and i would also remove the concept of the signs and make an instruction menu, but OVERALL FANTASTIC GAME!

its a good work in progress but you should move the blocks up in the third level because otherwise its an pixel perfect jump pretty much

Great level design, very interesting. For the vertical moving platform on the second left I would recommend shifting in down a bit so you can reach it since I try to jump up to it with the Koala, but can't and as a result I can't complete the second level. No worries though, you are doing great, just some minor tweaks will do the trick! :)